just didn't quite know it.
You know those Saturday mornings were your antsy to get out but don't quite know what you want to do. The ideas thrown out either sound fun to one but not the other. Your on two totally different wave lengths... I want breakfast, I want lunch, I want to be outside. I don't want to be around crowds and where can we go where parking isn't going to be a hassle?
Well, we had one of these mornings last Saturday.
Morgan just told me to get ready, we'll figure something out.
We hopped in the truck with Anaya and headed toward the beach. Morgan remembered that he still had a gift certificate to
The Beachcombers in Crystal Cove. We've heard such great things about this restaurant. Which is right on a (some what) secluded beach. We wanted to have lunch here on our Anniversary but was shocked to hear the "usual expected wait" was an hour and a half (minimum) and they do not take reservations.
Today, we decided to go with the adventure!
The restaurant is nestled in stunning
Crystal Cove. You park across Highway 1 and a red trolley/bus drops you off at the mouth of the old community
(riding the bus was already a treat for Anaya).
The weather was beautifully P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!
Gosh, we are so spoiled.
The wait to be seated was about an hour and fifteen minutes. We were given a pager.
So, off we went exploring...

We saw dolphins!
there was barely anyone on the beach.
treasure hunting at the tide pools

next thing you know it's time for lunch...

Anaya was so pleased she got her own meal.
She ate it ALL.. grilled cheese with apple slices.
And a frozen banana!
Everything tasted so good and the view was breath-taking!
We decided to walk back to the car which lead us to one last adventure, through a long tunnel covered in kids graffiti. It immediately brought back memories of a similar tunnel in Cinque Terre, Italy. Morgan and I held each other.
Anaya was all smiles.