Wednesday, June 17, 2009


don't these pictures have that feel?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a blink of an eye...

whooo arrre yooou....

Ever since we read an Alice in Wonderland book to Anaya. She has been in love with the story.
we don't expose her to movies or TV (holding out as long as possible) so her imagination and creativity can blossom to it's full potential.
Instead her 1st introduction to Alice in Wonderland was a play put on by children ranging from Kindergarten - to High School

A MYART production.

She loved every minute of it!
it says a lot when a three year old sits without a fuss for a whole hour and a half.

*a week later she was at the park and to over come her fear of covered (tunnel) slides. She told herself out loud that it was the rabbit whole!

1-2-3 !! in she went !! ... screaming, 'I'm late, I'm late for a very important date'

little bunny foo foo