Walking through the gates we were immediately greeted by Alice and the Made Hatter. They were dancing and singing, gleaming children surrounded them. Anaya held me tight. Our day of magic begins.
special moments...
- 1st ride, Finding Nemo aka. submarine. Anaya was in awhh! her favorite was the whales. The best was when she saw the crab out the window looked at me and said, 'like at dim sum'. God, I love this girl.

- loved taking her onto the Jungle Cruise. My dad's favorite.
- after a surprisingly yummy lunch we hoped on the train and just lounged. We absorbed the park from a distance. Anaya was intrigued with the secret tunnel of dinosaurs. Who knew this still existed!
- Meeting Mickey for the 1st time. I thought she was going to freak out since this has been the reaction with almost every character. But once she got face to face with him she was smittened. I was shocked. Anaya was quick to give him kisses and kept saying how nice Mickey is. She didn't mine being 2 inches away from his face. it was very sweet.
this is the ONLY picture we have. You can't really see the gleam in her eyes. But, of course their professional photographer took quite a few and was able to capture the moment,
ChEcK It OuT
-The look of amazement as the parade went down Main Street. She could of watched this for hours. Her favorite was the Lion King float.